A NetZero home is one that produces as much energy as it uses in a year. While not a new concept by any means, it is a concept that is gaining momentum here in Ontario. To address new government policies, soaring utility bills and uncontrolled power outages, NetZero is a way of future-proofing your investment.
A NetZero home will be the most comfortable, quiet, clean and healthy home you will ever own. Designing and building one of these homes is a skilled choreography of design, computer modelling, high-tech product selection and intense quality control. It's not for everyone and definitely not something the run-of-the-mill builder can challenge. But don't you owe it to yourself and your family to build a home that isn't just for the next couple of years, but will continue to be the leading example for years to come?
As one of the founding members of the Canadian Home Builders' Association NetZero Council, I know what it takes to build one of these spectacular homes and would love to talk to you about building one for you!